Why Indigo Life ?
The Indigo Plant has a rich history and I was drawn to the beautiful example of transformation that the plant makes in the process of cultivating into a dark blue dye.
The color indigo represents a calm, yet strong energy which shifts. It symbolizes peace, tranquility, and intuition. Indigo promotes deep concentration during times of introspection and meditation, helping to achieve deeper connection to your 'self.'
Service to humanity is one of the strengths of the color indigo. Powerful and dignified, indigo conveys integrity and deep sincerity.
My life philosophy is one that honors the energy and commitment to journey through life with openness and wonder, with a generous heart that seeks to learn, grow, transform, and evolve. It is with this mindful living that the path to healing opens. For each phase of life, there are opportunities to embrace and be vulnerable to transition and growth.
It is my intention to honor, celebrate and cultivate the energy of living an indigo life.